Fernanda Psihas


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My Catholic Faith & Works


I am a cradle Catholic with a calling to enable others to also marvel in God's creation. As a scientist, I see first hand the genius of God in every corner of the laws of nature. I love to share my journey into science and my calling to share the faith!


I speak and write about my thoughts on the faith and how being a scientist brings me closer to God. It is a commmon misconception that the Catholic faith and the truths about nature are opposed. I write and do catechesis about the Catholic approach at scientific discovery and on how being a scientist brings me closer to God.

I develop material for faith and science catechesis and am passionate about the Eucharist and the workings of God in our lives.


Recent talks:.

"Faith and Science - Time and Eternity."
Consuming Fire Young Adult Program, Our Lady of Mercy, Aurora, IL

"Religious Education as a Platform for Physics Outreach."
APSApril 2024 Meeting of the American Physical Society, Sacramento, CA